June 25, 2008

Unreliable Sources...

This from the Boston Herald:

"The Gloucester teen baby mama drama took two hits yesterday, as a pregnant teen told “Good Morning America” there was no pact at the North Shore school where 17 girls are expecting and the head of the school’s day-care center denied telling a Time magazine reporter that one of her employees had heard of the pact.

Five days after the magazine’s sensational pregnancy pact expose hit the Web, Time reporter Kathleen Kingsbury followed up with a second story on Monday after the Gloucester mayor said there was no evidence of a pact."
Full Story Here

A friend of a friend won't accept anything as a fact unless it comes from the "Mainstream Media." I find it maddening when people make statements like that. Facts can be established by a variety of sources. My problem with much of the media right now is accuracy and a lack of thoughtful investigation. Think about it, many major news stories in the last ten years or so have been brought on by new media.

Drudge broke the Clinton/Lewinsky story. Bloggers exposed Dan Rather's fake documents. Al Franken would have gotten almost no attention on his tax problems, were it not for a guy with a laptop and an agenda in Minnesota.

The blog American Thinker is doing excellent background work on Barack Obama. I'm still waiting for resourceful Democrat leaning bloggers to pick up the slack left by John McCain - and there's a lot of it out there.

But the corporate media is not only factually challenged; it also appears to be bereft of ideas for research. Anyone looking at the candidate's financial reports in detail? What about other stories outside of politics? How much are we missing because news isn't being reported?

That's a question that may be answered too late for our comfort. Thanks for reading.

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